IAFF Local 1619
Political Action

Since it's inception, the Prince George's County Professional Firefighters and Paramedics Association has fought for these core values. 

  • Health and safety of the membership
  • Working conditions
  • Retirement security
  • Hours and wages 

In order to secure these things for the membership, a seat at the political table is a necessity. Even in this day and age of divisive partisan politics, IAFF 1619 will continue to view endorsements of political candidates solely on their views of firefighter labor-specific issues and their belief in our core values. With a membership that comes from all walks of life and beliefs, it would simply be impossible to choose a candidate that everyone agrees with everything all the time. 

Politicians will make decisions that will ultimately affect our profession. The Prince George's County Professional Firefighters and Paramedics Association will continue to be a driving force in the Prince George's County political scene. Our endorsement is one of the most sought after endorsements during election cycles. Through a careful vetting process that examines each candidate based on their beliefs of our core values, and firefighter labor-specific issues the membership can rest assured that each decision is made with careful consideration and the membership as the number one priority.  

The political endorsement of a candidate is not a mandate for members to vote a certain way, but rather a recommendation based upon the values that collectively benefit our union and its members. The union respects each member's right to vote for whomever they choose. The union asks our members to understand that each political endorsement is made solely on those core values listed above, and the candidates understanding and support of firefighters labor-specific issues. 

Page Last Updated: Feb 08, 2024 (12:08:54)
  • IAFF Local 1619

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